I was recently in on a meeting with the Extension Peanut Team. A few key points. Watch which Velum you get. Velum Total has thrip control with imidacloprid however Velum does not and will need an added thrip control. Bayer is moving to Velum yet there is probably some Velum Total stock still out there. Propuluse at pegging will help with Lesion Nematodes. We had a big problem with lesions this year. The bad part is you don’t know you have them until you dig. We continue to gain data on how water sensors are beneficial for efficient water use. Water sensors can assist with removing water stress as a production factor. If irrigated peanuts have a good PRE and are clean then we can possibly skip a cracking spray. This will be case by case. Here are the notes taken from that meeting. Call me with any questions.
- Seed
- Seed for 2021 looks good
- Weather was a significant factor this year
- Couldn’t get the peanuts to mature
- 16HO & 18RU did very well, outdoing 06G in most trials
- 12Y – plant before May 10th and protect against Rhizoctonia Limb Rot-TSWV and white mold resistant
- 18RU is more susceptible to TSWV than 06G – Plant in May and use Thimet
- TifNV-High O/L-good for rootknot nematodes and good TSWV resistance
- Sweet spot is May 11-31
- If plant before May 10 must use Thimet
- Seed Rates
- 6-9 seed/ft. combined on twin is optimum (3-4 seed/ft. on each twin), research-backed
- 6-7 seed/ft. on single
- $18-$20/acre increase in each additional seed per foot for replanting situations
- Do not cut seeding rates if you use polymer seed.
- 3-4 plants/ft. is the target for maximizing grade and yield potential
- Replanting: you only kill plants if you hit them dead center with a planter, plants will recover from damaged limbs
- No Riser or Blastoff or in-furrow fertilizer of any kind
- Burns seed back and damages sprouted tissue
- No yield or vigor increase shown
- Dryland shows the worst problems
- Endoprime: 10-20% chance to get response-no negative effects, research-backed
- Disease
- Warm winter will set us up for disease next year
- Excalia-Valent
- Good white mold control
- Needs leafspot added
- Good as Elatus
- Provysol-BASF
- Good leafspot control
- Good addition to Excalia
- Velum
- No thrip control, Bayer has taken imidacloprid out
- Effective on nematodes
- Make sure you read the label, Velum Total has imidacloprid while Velum does not and will need a thrip control added.
- Manzinga ADV
- Good leafspot
- Microthiol Sulfur has shown promise as a fungicide additive – 5lbs
- Nematodes
- Telone
- Propulse-at pegging for lesion nematodes
- Lesion was a big problem this year
- Vydate
- Economics
- 500-1000lbs yield reduction-State
- 2020 crop looks good
- 2021 acres are likely to be down
- Exports are stable
- Expected 2021: $425
- Land $ – steady
- NPK $ – down
- Seed $ – up
- Equipment $ – up
- Water
- Peak water: 63-91 DAP
- Water stress causes plants to stop producing pods, the plant will then care for what it has already produced
- Excess of water
- Thin hull and splits
- Sprouts
- Pink skin
- Water sensors
- $500-$2500/site
- Can provide hourly data for decision making
- Years of data showing water sensors can maximize yield with efficient water use.
- $9/acre/inch average-State
- Planting
- Speed and downforce are helpful to germination
- 3-5 mph for optimal seed placement, no more than 5mph
- Downforce is important on heavier soils, still important on sandy soils but not as much.
- Rate controller on your sprayer will help you apply a constant consistent amount of chemical regardless of speed variations – worth the investment.
- Weeds
- Valor EZ is just as good as Valor
- 30 DAP Post
- If pigweed is bigger than 3” – Cobra
- If pigweed is smaller than 3” – Blazer
- Dual Magnum and 24DB are best to add with either Cobra or Blazer or Cadre
- Irrigated peanuts with a good PRE may not need a cracking spray. Check field to see if cracking spray is needed
- Not much difference between Prowl and Sonalan
- Make sure to use at least 2 residual herbicides