COVID is going to make production meetings a little different this year. We will not be having any in-person meetings here at the office like during a normal year. Instead, UGA will be offering virtual meetings. We have fought this long and hard but ultimately for safety sake, the decision has been made to go virtual this year. I will put links for the meetings on here and I will email them to you when I receive them. Please choose whichever meetings that you would like to watch. After the presentations, you will have a chance to ask the Specialist any questions you may have. Pesticide credits will be conducted a little differently as well, when I have more information on that I will let you know. Below are the steps for creating a Zoom account and the list of meetings. This year will be different but we will make it work, I promise.
Setting up a Zoom account:
- Click on this link,
- In the top right corner, there is a tab that says SIGN UP, IT’S FREE, Click it
- Follow and input your information.
- That’s it.
Meeting List:
- Cotton Production Zooms
- January 19 (6:00pm -8:30pm)
- January 28 (9:30am-12:00pm)
- February 2 (6:00pm-8:30pm)
- February 24 (9:30am-12:00pm)
- Peanut Production Zooms
- January 11 (6:00pm -8:30pm)
- February 3 (9:30am-12:00pm)
- February 18 (6:00pm-8:30pm)
- February 22 (9:30am-12:00pm)
- Corn/Soybean Zooms
- January 8 (9:30am-12:00pm)
- January 14 (6:00pm-8:30pm)
- January 29 (9:30am-12:00pm)
- February 16 (6:00pm-8:30pm)
- Pecan Production Zoom
- January 21 (6:00pm)
- February 9 (9:00am)
- March 9 (6:00pm)
- Melon Production Zoom
- February 8 (1:00-2:30pm)