Its been a busy week catching up on work and school work from being at the fair last week. My livestock judging team is in the Peach State Judging contest Saturday so wish the kids good luck. Also, a big shout out to Hayden Phillips, Jay & Leigh Phillips’s daughter, for having the Reserve Grand Champion Market Wether at the fair. That is a huge accomplishment as the Georgia Market Goat Show is one of the toughest goat shows in the country.
Peanuts: We have been noticing a good bit of southern corn earworm damage here lately. Its too late to do anything about it this year but it needs to be on our minds for next year. Were still doing peanut maturity checks at the office.
Cotton: Cotton harvest is in full swing. We have seen some feilds that pulled the defoliation trigger a little early. Remember to count your nodes above cracked boll in several places around the field to get a good representative sample.
Vegetables: I found a bunch of pepper weevils across bells, jalapenos, and habaneros. Whiteflies are bringing leaf crumple into squash and tomatoes. Whiteflies are heavy. I know were on top of our sprays but they are relentless.