NOAA released its latest monthly and 3-month outlooks for the climate earlier this week. They show a continued trend towards warmer than normal temperatures for both November and November through January periods across the region. And of course, it will be winter so some cold outbreaks are expected even in the warmest of years.
There is no strong signal on precipitation for the next three months. November shows a slight edge towards drier than usual conditions, based mostly on forecasts for drier weather once the next week or two’s storms pass. Equal chances of near, below and above-normal precipitation amounts are predicted for November through January since neither El Niño or La Niña are expected to be present. We will see what the impact of a blob of warm water in the Pacific Ocean has on the atmospheric wave patterns that set up this winter’s climate, but it is too early to say what effects that might have.
Drought typically is reduced in winter seasons because there are not many impacts since many plants are dormant and not using much water. Evaporation is also reduced due to the lower temperatures. So the CPC predicts that much of the current drought in the Southeast may go away this winter or at least improve over the next few months.
You can read the full article written by Extension Climatologist Pam Knox: Outlook for November 2019 to January 2020 shows warmer than normal temperatures