I hope we get some rain this weekend. Pivots are running as hard as they can and the dryland fields are showing drought stress. Hot and dry brings out the pest. We have been seeing spider mites and some stinkbugs in cotton. Whitefly populations are increasing so be on the lookout for them. I have seen whiteflies in several of the cotton fields that I’ve looked at but were not a treatment level yet. Lesser Cornstalk Borers (LCB) are back in peanuts. This is the second bout with LCB this season. Remember, the best thing you can do for LCB is to routinely scout because there is no need to blindly treat your field for LCB. When at threshold, Prevathon or Diamond will be your best bet for LCB. Some rain would also help reduce the LCB populations. Even though it is dry, overall cotton looks good and peanuts are looking really good. I finished the Farm Gate Report. Once I get all the data compiled and in a nicer format Ill share it.
A little fun:
For those of you having trouble with Dilla’s (aka possum on the half shell), we have a product for you. Nothing gets rid of the Dillas like Armadillo Eliminator! It works so well we only have one jug left.
It’s just a joke, why would I get rid of my last jug of Dilla Killer.