Sometimes when things aren’t going well, or when your mood is in low gear, it can be really hard to get unstuck. As I’ve talked about a lot in this blog, feeling low or stressed is harmful for both your emotional and physical health. So what can you do to jump-start your mood? One of…
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Last week I talked about September as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Within this month is 988 Day—a day to make sure everyone knows about the 24/7 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Simply calling or texting 988 or chatting 988lifeline.org will connect a person in crisis to compassionate care and support for any mental health or…
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September is National Suicide Prevention Month – a time to remember the lives lost to suicide, acknowledge the millions more who have experienced suicidal thoughts, and the many individuals, families and communities that have been impacted by suicide. Sadly, farmers have among the highest rates of suicide, and producers and their families have disproportionately struggled…
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Sometimes in this blog I’ve written about personal things in my life, hoping that the lessons I’m learning might help others who go through something similar. This week I’m learning something about stress and the past. As some of you know, 18 months ago both of my parents died within two days of each other.…
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Ever since I was a kid, I’ve had (or been given, when I was little) a list of chores that I have to do. I know you’ve got them too. Things like feed the animals, wash the dishes, pick up your tools, fold the laundry. Everybody does chores. We may not always want to, but…
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Well, Hurricane Debby is gone, and has left much of South Georgia east of I-75 under inches and inches of water. To everyone whose farm or business or family was impacted by the storm, please know our thoughts and prayers are with you. If you’re experiencing this disaster (or any disaster, for that matter), please…
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Farming is a profession of hope. I came across this quote by Brian Brett (a farmer and writer from British Columbia) the other day, and it made me pause. Farming is a profession of hard work, of careful planning, of long hours, of worry, and (sometimes) of great success. But of hope? Then I thought…
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One thing I know about stress for sure—a good way to help manage stress is to be as prepared as possible for stressful things that might come our way. Just like the Boy Scouts say, it is important to Be Prepared. In Georgia (and Florida and Texas and Louisiana and other coastal states), something we…
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Have you ever been in a situation where someone you cared about was hurting or stressed or in a bad place, and when you offered to help they just stiffened up and said “No, I’m fine”? It’s so frustrating when it’s clear the person could use a little support but they won’t accept it. I…
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It happened again last night. I woke up at 3:10 am with my mind racing, thinking about all the things I need to get done, and all the things that aren’t going well, and all the things that could go wrong, and all the problems I have to fix, and, and, and…. Sound familiar? Early…
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