Recent Posts
Below is the link to the most recent Cotton Marketing News for the south. link: cmn10122015
Posted in: Cotton -
Helping our Neighbors in South Carolina You’ve seen the news. You’ve seen the devastation that has hit South Carolina in the wake of all the rain they received a few days back. What hasn’t been in the news is how much damage was done to their hay crops. For many farm families, their whole summer’s…
Posted in: Forages -
It’s Time to Overseed Forages If you plan to overseed for winter grazing now is the optimum time to start planting. The most common cause of overseeding failure is planting into excess residue from your perennial crop. Research suggests that you plant into less than 6 inches of residue. It is recommended that you mix…
Posted in: Forages -
Many growers have been waiting on the upper bolls to hopefully maximize yields.
Posted in: Cotton -
We often get questions about soil types and productivity for certain types of soils.There is a very useful tool that is available from The Natural Resource Conservation Service.
Posted in: Uncategorized - – long term forecasts and other tools for farmers and ranchers
Posted in: Uncategorized -
Only one partially sunny day since September 21st and between 3 and 5 inches of rain have put a hurting on our cotton crop. Boll rot is fairly prevalent across the area and we are now seeing seeds sprouting in open bolls. At this stage there is really nothing that we can do except hope…
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Corn for grain production is forecast at 48.8 million bushels, down 7 % from 2014. If realized, yield at 184 bushels/acre will be a record high. Cotton acreage is revised up to 1,120,000 planted and 1,110,000 harvested with production forecasted at 2.2 million bales, down 14% from 2014. Peanut acreage is revised down to 790,000…
We are finally seeing soybean rust across the area but in most cases it is too late to reduce yields.
Posted in: Soybeans -
Stepped over this little guy last week taking a peanut sample for a maturity test. It is that time of year folks, and every one out in the field needs to keep an eye out.
Posted in: Peanuts