There are several things that can be done early in the season to help improve wheat yields the following spring.
The first thing to consider is early season fertility. Approximately 80% of your wheat yield comes from fall tiller production. Early season stress from inadequate N and K produces weak tillers and a reduction in total tillers produced.
Secondly, early season weed competition is another factor that can reduce wheat yields. In fields with a history of ryegrass products like Zidua or Fierce could be used early post emerge tto provide residual control. Be sure to plant seed at least 1.25″ deep. If broadleaf weeds like henbit or radish are the problem something like Quelex could be applied early post emerge as well. Obviously, if all of these are recommended early you should be done spraying wheat in most situation by Christmas. We have other options like Harmony, 2,4-D and MCPA for additional weed control so contact your County Agent for specific recommendations.