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Its the time of year when a few insects may rear their heads and cause some nut drop in the orchards. I refer here mostly to nut curculio and hickory shuckworm. The nut curculio attacks immature pecans from late June through early August. Adults make shallow crescent shaped punctures with their snouts in the shucks of…
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Dr. Katherine Stevenson’s fungicide sensitivity testing program is a wonderful service for Georgia’s pecan growers and I would encourage all of our growers to take advantage of this opportunity. It is free to the grower and provides orchard-specific information about the potential risk for scab resistance to the most commonly used fungicides for pecan. Instructions…
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I’ve seen a number of young orchards recently with trees suffering from die-back. While much of this has been related to cold damage, some trees are feeling the effects of a subtle problem that often goes unnoticed until it becomes severe. Botryosphaeria canker or “Bot canker” is caused by a fungus which can infect the tree…
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It seems that every year we see something new on pecans. This year I have seen two or three orchards suffering from May beetles feeding on the foliage. Normally even if you see a May beetle here or there in the orchard, its no cause for alarm but I have seen them devouring the buds…
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I’ve had a lot of calls over the past couple of weeks regarding the dropping of green, healthy-looking leaves on ‘Desirable’. Looking back in my notes, this is something that seems to happen every year but we often have short and selective memories and choose not to remember seeing it. Much of this minor…
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Nut Scab lesion developing on small nut I visited with UGA Plant Pathologist Tim Brenneman for a while yesterday and the early results of his fungicide trials for the year have revealed a significant finding that could be of value to your scab management program. Dr. Brenneman’s results showed that adding a surfactant to the…
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When the temperatures heat up in late May and early June, the calls begin to come in from growers who are noticing the new shoots of their young trees, which had looked so healthy, are beginning to die-back. This is a problem that is not necessarily restricted to young trees and may be triggered…
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