Insect Management

  • May/June Beetles

    We have been seeing and hearing about damage from May beetles around the state. I saw some damage in the Southeast District this week as well. Since the adult beetles feed at night, it’s difficult to be sure what is going on. You see the typical chewing damage on the leaves and terminals (Figs. 1…

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  • Beneficial Insects in Orchards

    With the month being dry, growers have reduced fungicide sprays. This has  also cut back on some insecticide sprays where we sometimes throw in an insecticide with the fungicide. It has been very obvious which orchards were treated with a broad spectrum insecticide – generally chlorpyrofos or pyrethroid. The only yellow aphid populations I’m seeing…

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  • It’s that time of the year again that these moth pests are out and about. Bud Moth. There have been calls regarding bud moth problems with young trees recently. Symptoms include rolled leaves and dead terminals (pictures below). To confirm infestation, check the rolled leaves and you would find a caterpillar inside. Bud moth adults…

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  • Statewide we are seeing in general that the female flower crop has been surprisingly good on most varieties, with the exception of the large, old Stuart trees. Stuart wasn’t expected to make much of a comeback this year as a result of a generally heavy year in 2018 plus the effects of the hurricane, and…

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    This is our first insect update for this year. It is about that time when we need to be reminded about ambrosia beetles. Why should you be concerned about these beetles? These tree boring beetles (Figure 1) attack many trees in the southeast including pecans. Although trees can recover from attacks by these beetles, the…

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  • Dr. Will Hudson and I have been receiving reports of walnut caterpillar and fall webworm sightings in pecan orchards, particularly in young trees. These two caterpillar pests are both foliage feeders and they occur in groups, but the main difference is that walnut caterpillars do not make webs like the fall webworms. They both have…

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  • Hi everyone, this is Angel Acebes-Doria, the pecan entomologist. Dr. Wells has given me the permission to post on the Pecan Blog regarding topics on pecan insect pest management. On my first post, I will talk about pecan nut casebearers (PNC) as it is that time of the year that we would expect to see…

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