There have been anecdotal reports in the past years that flatheaded borers have caused damage to young pecan trees/nursery trees. The injury are characterized by darkened and sunken areas on the outside of the trees (Fig. 1) caused by larval feeding. On young trees, this may cause girdling and even tree death.
Larval appear pale yellow and legless with an enlarged thorax (Fig. 2). Adults are dark, gray to brown metallic wood borers about ½ inch long (Fig. 3).
We need your help in estimating the damage/injury caused by this particular insect pest in pecans. A group of researchers from several universities (including the University of Georgia) is conducting a survey to estimate the incidence and severity of flatheaded borers in fruit, nut, and ornamental tree and shrub production in the United States to better understand the gaps in management options and develop tools to meet those challenges when controlling these pests.
Below is the link to the survey. We would greatly appreciate your participation.

Figure 1. Damage caused by flatheaded tree borer larvae on pecan. These are 4-yr old Excel trees and attack occurred during the 2nd growing season in Wayne County.

Figure 2. Larvae of the flatheaded tree borer.

Figure 3. Adult of the flatheaded tree borer.