Garden fleahopper
I have gotten several reports of building populations of garden fleahoppers (GFH) in peanut (and other crops) over the last couple weeks. Below is a UGA Peanut Entomology blog post from a few years ago about GFH that will give you some basic information about the insect. As always, if you have questions about garden…
Posted in: Garden fleahopper -
Insect activity is beginning to pick up in some of our Georgia peanut fields, and now is a really good time for growers who may not have a consultant or scout to get out and walk the crop. I have seen a mixed bag of caterpillars in my research plots and in commercial fields this…
It has been a while since anyone asked me about garden fleahopper in peanut, but this is the time of year when they begin to get noticed. After a couple years with more fleahoppers than “normal”, populations in Georgia peanut fields in 2016 were typically low or nonexistent. We are currently seeing increasing numbers of…
Last week I wrote a short paragraph about garden fleahopper. The phone rang a few more times this week with folks telling me about seeing high numbers of this insect in peanut. I went to one of our research trials Wednesday and took some pictures of the insect and the damage for those who may…
Posted in: Garden fleahopper -
The last ten days have brought several calls from agents and consultants about spider mites showing up in peanut. It is not uncommon to see mites in peanut fields this time of year, and it would not be uncommon for low level mite infestations to fizzle out on their own. My advice last week was…