Just in case new employees need to get their private pesticide applicators license. Here are the instructions for doing so.

Here are the instructions for obtaining a private pesticide applicators license.

  1. Go to https://estore.uga.edu/C27063_ustores/web/store_main.jsp?STOREID=284 and select private applicators
  1. Select quantity of 1 and proceed to the pages where you enter your information and eventually pay. 
  1. Once you pay an email will be sent with a temporary username and password.  It will usually come by the end of the business day, but you can check back because sometimes it comes sooner. 
  1. Next go to Georgia Professional Certifications (gaprocerts.com) web page. 
  1. Click Georgia Certified Private Applicator Certification Training.   
  1. Login with your temporary username and password. 
  1. Change your username and password 
  1. Agree with the disclaimer.  You have to before you can continue. 
  1. Begin the certification by clicking on module 1 
  1. Once you finish each module with a passing score you have to print your certificate.  If you can’t print yours from your own computer you can login at the Extension office and print it there.  
  1. You will also need an affidavit (notarized) and an application which you r county Agent can provide.

Once you have done this download and complete the following two forms and take the certificate of completion to your County Extension Office to mail in.

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