Phony peach disease, caused by the Xylella fastidiosa bacterium, is a dangerous disease of peaches in Georgia and elsewhere in the Coastal Plain of the Southeast.  Infected trees are initially stunted due mainly to shortened internodes between leaves and limited growth.  Over time, less fruit are produced, and fruit size diminishes as well; eventually, the tree is no longer productive, and given enough time, the tree will die either as a direct result of the pathogen or indirectly due to stress and other factors.  Tree death is currently estimated to occur 4-5 years after the initial infection.  When identified, it is recommended that diseased trees be destroyed and removed from the orchard to prevent further spread of the bacterium by sharpshooter insects, the predominant vector of the pathogen in the Southeast.  In this relatively young orchard (~ 6-7 years old), this practice was not followed, and 80-90% of trees are now showing symptoms of phony peach.    

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