Do you remember your first MGEV training class? For some of you, that was a while ago, and for others, it may have been just last week! Do you remember what made you want to be a Master Gardener? I was in Blairsville last week as Towns and Union Counties began their training for the year. When asked what made them want to be a Master Gardener, trainees shared a few things that I bet you can identify with!
- promoting native plants
- love yard work and native plants
- I love yard work.
- love gardening, always have, always will
- love of the outdoors, growing our own food – completely different taste, yum!
- I love the outdoors and gardening.
- I love plants!
- I love plants, have been gardening for years, want to know more.
- gain knowledge on plants
- to be able to gain knowledge and share it with others to be helpful
- giving back to me community that has been so kind to me!
- the nice people I work with every week!
- the economy
The MGEV training course includes so many topics! Remember that first class, feeling so overwhelmed with all of the information and that training handbook? You still came to class with a desire to learn something specific. This year’s trainees were looking forward to learning about…
- everything! all things garden
- gardening, grass, fruit trees
- veggies, berries, fruit trees
- grapes
- native plants
- propagation
- herbal plant tips
- something new to share with others
- opinions of others
- meeting new gardeners
Even though every MGEV trainee is VERY excited to begin class, there are always a few things that they don’t look forward to. For our new training class, these were the things they were least looking forward to in class:
- sitting for hours
- Mostly the tests, I really want this!
- Nothing, it is going to be a great experience!
- Nothing, will try to learn regardless!
- nothing
- midterms
- memorizing things
- flowers, grass (It’s going to be great, though!)
- anyone not supporting native plants
- Idk yet, something that doesn’t appeal
That first training class is both exciting and terrifying, but we know how this story ends! Each of our trainees will do very well. They will soak up all of this interesting information about plants and gardening. They’ll look forward to being able to volunteer and apply what they have learned.
Join me in welcoming our new trainees to the Georgia MGEV Program! If you’re in a county that has started training this season, be sure to meet and encourage those who are new to the program. Share your story and how you accomplished your goal.