A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Resources for GA MGEVs

Happy New Year, GA MGEVs!

Have you submitted your 2021 volunteer service hours and continuing education hours in MGLOG? Please note that 2021 entries can be made in MGLOG until January 28, 2022. If you have recorded all of your hours, yet you find yourself needing a bigger picture of your volunteer service for the year, you may be looking for annual totals like mileage or donations. These values can be exported to a report from your volunteer hours list. Here’s how to generate one:

  1. Select View or Edit My Hours under Volunteer Hours on the red main menu toolbar.
  2. Choose 2021 from the Date selection box at the left of the main list. This will filter the volunteer hours list for 2021 entries.
  3. Click on the gray export button at the top of the list and select a file type – choose Excel or Print.
  4. Click on the Select Columns tab in the window that opens over the hours list.
  5. Drag and drop all values or values of interest from the left hand column to the right hand column.
  6. Click on the green OK button.
  7. Download the file.

You can also add more columns to your volunteer hours list table displayed within MGLOG. Choose Columns under the red Options button above your volunteer hours list. Then, drag the selections you wish to see added to the table to the right hand column, and then click Apply.

For more MGLOG support resources, check out the MGLOG section of our webpage. Here you will find the MGLOG 2.0 Quick Reference Guide as well as links to blog posts with instructions for making volunteer service and continuing education entries in MGLOG.

Need more assistance? We’re here to help! Send in a MGLOG support request, contact your Extension office, or email masterg@uga.edu.

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