We shared last week the great news about a new edition of the Georgia Master Gardener Handbook. If you want to see what this new edition has in store for our trainees, you can read the post here.
A massive overhaul like this doesn’t happen in a vacuum, for sure. I bet there are a few of you MGEVs who have a publishing background and can imagine the effort that went into this review. Each chapter was first reviewed by authors, then sent to 3-5 reviewers. Reviewer comments were processed by the editor, authors were consulted again if necessary, then chapters were sent to proofreaders for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Once those edits were complete, the chapters were sent for layout. Finally, authors were asked to approve the final chapter. Whew!! Lots of moving parts to keep track of!
Being part of the editorial team might seem at first like a thankless job. We don’t have pictures of Sarah at her computer for days and weeks and months, tracking changes, laying out pages, interpreting my editorial comments, and patiently awaiting an affirmative answer for each of the chapters to come back from each round of review. We don’t see photos of the chapter authors working on the content, the agents and specialists reviewing and verifying the information, or the 35 MGEVs who checked for commas, spelling, and consistency in the chapters. And there certainly aren’t photos of me editing and editing and editing the content, like on an airplane, in the car, or at home in the evening while I was waiting for a child to come home from work. Nope, these are not the photos we take and include in a handbook revision, yet the book would not be complete without all of these people and their efforts!
So, we send out a HUGE thank you to all of the contributors to the Georgia Master Gardener Handbook, Eighth Edition, right here on Trellis. Though we have credited them in the book itself, we thought it fitting to send an extra shout out to everyone who assisted along the way! We certainly could NOT have done it without you! Thank you!
Charles Bargeron | Patricia Adsit | Srijana Thapa Magar |
Dr. Ellen Bauske | Lisa Ames | Liz Marino |
Pamela Bennett | Nancy Barnhill | Ian Matthes |
David Berle | Dr. Ellen Bauske | Charlotte Meeks |
Dr. Lori Bledsoe | Brett Blaauw | Keith Mickler |
Jessica T.R. Brown | David Berle | Charlotte Miller |
Dr. Natalie Bumgarner | Stephen Brown | Patty McEwen |
Joel Burnsed | Dr. Natalie Bumgarner | Rion Mooneyham |
Stephanie Butcher | Teresa Burkett | Mary Mortensen |
Rachel L. Carroll | Joel Burnsed | James Murphy |
Dr. Matthew Chappell | Sue Carter | Melissa Mattee Murphy |
Dr. Dario Chavez | Dr. Julie Campbell | Dr. Savithri Nambeesan |
David Close | Dr. Matthew Chappell | Dr. Laura Ney |
Dr. Mark Czarnota | Yanyu Chen | Helen O’Shea |
Dr. Timothy Davis | Dr. Tim Coolong | Jared Ogden |
Dr. Sheri Dorn | Joan Cotter | Jonathan Oliver |
Dr. Laurel Dunn | Timothy Daly | Sheldon Owen |
Dr. Richard Durham | Patty Ellis | Barbara Powers |
Carl Evensen | Ted Emig | Paul Pugliese |
Josh Fuder | Keith Fielder | Sarah Russell |
Keren Giovengo | Connie Flowers | Dr. John Ruter |
Dr. Gary Hawkins | Josh Fuder | John Scaduto |
Dr. Rachel Itle | Dr. Roger Gates | Penny Scarpucci |
Terri James | Dr. Jason Gordon | Dr. Noshirwan Sethna |
Dr. Shimat Joseph | Becky Griffin | Mary Carol Sheffield |
Dr. Jeff Keuhny | Candice Harp | Dr. Ash Sial |
Dr. Heather Kirk-Ballard | Ellen Hatcher | Dr. Tim Smalley |
Dr. Jason T. Lessl | Kathy Hensley | Gail Smith |
Dr. Elizabeth Little | Philip Hensley | Solomon Smith |
Clark MacAlister | Keri Hobbs | Marjorie Stansel |
Dr. Alfredo Martinez-Espinoza | Alicia Holloway | Debra Stockton |
Dr. Patrick McCullough | Ashley Hoppers | Jacqueline Styles |
Dr. Micheal Mengak | Greg Huber | Mai Theodocion |
Elizabeth Moss | Dr. William Hudson | Juanita Tipton |
Dr. Bodie Pennisi | Dr. Todd Hurt | Nan Van Patten |
Dr. Robert Polomski | Karol Kelly | Campbell Vaughn |
Karan Rawlins | Lisa Klein | Nancy Wells |
Kerry Smith | Michel Thomas Kohl | Dr. Clint Waltz |
Amanda Tedrow | Heather Kolich | Kevon Watson |
Katie Walberg | Leynar Leyton | Robert Westerfield |
Dr. Clint Waltz | Dr. Elizabeth Little | Jacob Williams |
Robert Westerfield | Kevin Livingston | Tripp Williams |
Tripp WIlliams | Susan Luciano | Clay Wilson |
Dr. Jean Williams-Woodward | Clark MacAlister | Martin Wunderly |
Campbell Vaughn | Jule-Lynne Macie | Molly Zablan |
Rebekah Wallace | Dr. Mark McCann | |
Dr. Matthew Chappell | Erin Yates | Lauren Nys Kuschner |
Dr. Leo Lombardini | Megan McCoy | Melissa Bugbee Buchanan |
Dr. Mark McCann | ||
Dr. Sheri Dorn | Sarah Heape Sawyer | |