Georgia MGEVs, you make a state coordinator proud!! When asked to contribute to our statewide strategic planning project, you showed up! In recent weeks, you were asked to contribute to a lengthy survey to gather the first round of information.
Yes, you could report volunteer service hours for completing it, but that doesn’t always provide the incentive to answer a lot of questions. And we asked A. LOT. OF. QUESTIONS! There were more than 100 questions about our initial training, continuing education, advanced training, project and recognition preferences, and more. You weighed in on program mission and vision, and even voted on some core values.
Many, many thanks to the 700 MGEVs who participated in the survey, the first phase of listening to support our strategic planning process. Your responses will be analyzed in late this fall. We’ll be sharing our findings here and on the strategic planning project webpage.
The second phase of listening to MGEVs starts in two weeks. We will host facilitated discussion via Zoom to work through the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the Georgia MGEV Program. Survey completion is NOT required for participating in the Zoom sessions. To help with busy schedules, the discussion sessions are offered on two different days, at two different times:
- Tuesday, October 27, 2020, from 10 am – 12 pm (registration deadline: October 20)
- Wednesday, November 4, 2020, from 2 – 4 pm (registration deadline: October 28)
During these sessions, we use breakout rooms in Zoom to have smaller discussions of our four program pillars. Room hosts guide guide conversations about the Georgia MGEV Program training and preparation process, educational programming, promotion, and accountability. We’ve had two great sessions already and found that our process and tools work very well.
There’s still time to be a part of the conversations! Connection and preparation information for the discussion sessions will be sent to those who register ahead of time. If you are interested in joining the conversations, please use this link to register.
Thank you, again, for contributing to this monumental project! We are very excited to chart a course for a vibrant future!