Join us for part three of this year’s Regional Leadership Conference series as we learn how to develop and deliver a strong Extension message that engages the community around plants and gardening. Our first session, Communicate to Connect, was offered in June. You can read more about it here. Our second session, Communicate to Cultivate, was offered in August, and you can read more about it here.
November: Communicate for Community
10 am – 12 pm
In the spirit of staying well and minimizing travel, we will continue to meet via Zoom for RLC #3. UGA Extension Carroll County will be our “virtual” host for the November session. We are all looking forward to hearing about some of their signature projects that they offer in the Carrollton area. You’ll have opportunity to ask them questions, so come ready!
In part 3 of the series, we will explore how we can use communication for community – that is, developing a community of followers with whom we can share Extension’s research-based information. We’ve talked about branding our information and looking to all that we are doing in our various projects and activities to generate content. Participants in RLC #1 had great discussion in the chat box, effectively asking questions and sharing ideas with others. In RLC #2, we used breakout sessions to have smaller discussions and chat with each other about what we are doing locally. In part 3, we’ll put all of that together. Representatives of the Georgia Master Gardener Association (GMGA) will briefly join in the conversation, as well.
Hope to “see” you there!
RLCs are FREE, but registration is required. Register here.
For more information, contact the Georgia MGEV State Program Office at