Georgia was well-represented at the International Master Gardener Conference last month in Valley Forge, PA. Congratulations to Cobb County for securing a first-place award in the research category of the national Search for Excellence awards program! I will be sharing their project story in upcoming posts.

It’s not too early to be thinking about the 2021 Search for Excellence program planned for Norfolk, VA. The application deadline for the 2021 awards will be in late 2020 or very early 2021. If your county has a project that you want to nominate for the 2021 awards, I am happy to meet with you to help plan that application.
More than 20 Georgia MGEVs attended the fantastic conference. Some of them came to the Container Wars session on Tuesday evening. I am not kidding when I tell you that none of us knew what we were in for! After we fought for (stole each other’s) plants and pots, we had a delightful time talking about how we construct and care for container gardens.

Georgia was further represented in the conference offerings. In addition to coordinating a panel discussion titled, “Using your Demonstration Garden to Its Full Potential,” I also coordinated a poster session for local and state coordinators to showcase their work. We had 23 posters from across the United States sharing training and advanced training ideas. Georgia’s agent planning team was also showcased (poster image below). The conference was an excellent way to recharge!