A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Resources for GA MGEVs

MGEVs enjoyed a wagon ride around the farm to see the various farm operations.

During Volunteer Appreciation Week in April, we celebrated at Southern Belle Farm. We had some silly fun by making up “Master Gardener MAD LIBS.” If you are unfamiliar with MAD LIBS, understand that it’s a play on “AD LIB,” as in make it up as you go along. The body of the story is provided, but is not revealed to the participant until the end. The participant is asked for a list of words, such as “season,” “noun,” or “verb ending in -ing.” Their responses are filled in the blanks of the story (in ALL CAPS in the story below). It sounds really silly when you read it back, but that is the point! We had so much fun with the game that we wanted to share a few with you here. Several of you asked about getting the form that we used, and we will get that posted for you.

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WINTER gardening season is here! Join your fellow BUTLER and DIGGING into the garden! Don’t forget your CAMELLIAS and NATIVE PLANTS! Where will you start? There are flower seeds, DAISIES, and TREES to plant. One of the most PURPLE things about WEEDING in the garden is watching small sprouts grow into STAR-SHAPED BUILDING. Gardens provide TALL flowers, pollinator habitats, fresh herbs and 10 pounds of delicious produce. I love PLANTING in the garden! I also enjoy WATERING others about composting, and I always put WATER GARDEN and TRELLIS in the compost bin. One of my favorite gardens to visit is at WOODS. This year, I will visit 25 gardens.

Mark your calendars now for special celebrations April 8-10, 2019!!