A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Resources for GA MGEVs

Recovering Username and/or Password

It’s reporting season! Maybe you haven’t logged into MGLOG in a while and you don’t remember your username and password? That’s okay! There are two ways to quickly get your login credentials!

Here’s How:

  • Go to mglog.org.
    • Click on the green Recover Username and Password button. Click on the green “here” link to navigate the Send Username & Password screen. Enter your email address and click on Send. An auto-recovery message will be sent to your email immediately, and you can access MGLOG. OR:
    • Click on the ? Get Help heading located on the top toolbar to the right of the yellow Home button. This will open a technical support form. Fill it out, indicate your problem, and then click submit. The will send an email to the GA MGEV State Program office (SPO), and your MGLOG login credentials will be sent to you via email in 1-2 business days. This method of password recovery is not as timely as the auto-recovery option. (The SPO will be closed December 22, 2017-January 2, 2018.)


Updating Contact Information  

Did you move in 2017? Maybe you didn’t move to a new county and transfer GA MGEV programs, but if you had an address change, be sure to reflect that in your MGLOG MGEV Profile! Did your your phone number your email address change? You’ll want to update that information as well!

Here’s How:

  • Log into MGLOG (mglog.org).
  • On the MGLOG MGEV Home page, click on the green My Profile heading under the brown MGEV Profiles heading. This will open your MGEV Profile and the Personal tab will be selected.
  • Update your address and phone number on the Personal tab.
  • To update your email address, click on the User tab. This is also where you can change your MGLOG login credentials if you wish to change your username and password.
  • Once you have made all changes, click on the Update Record button, located on the green bars at the top and bottom of the screen.
  • Then, click Exit to return to your MGEV Home Page.

Even if you do not need to update any contact information, it is a good idea to log in just to verify that all of your information is correct. You don’t want to miss out on any GA MGEV program communication! The State Program office and Extension offices use MGLOG as a resource for MGEV contact information.



Reporting Volunteer Hours

It’s time to make sure you have all of your volunteer service hours for 2017 recorded in MGLOG! MGEV volunteer service hours need to be reported no later than January 26, 2018, for inclusion in the 2017 Georgia MGEV Program report!

To continue active MGEV service in 2018, make sure that you have completed 25 hours of volunteer service on Extension projects this year (and reported them in MGLOG), completed Risk Management Training (RMT) since July 1, and recorded your continuing education training hours within MGLOG.

Do you need a memory refresher on entering hours? Let’s break it down together!

Here’s How:

  • Log into MGLOG (mglog.org).
  • On the MGLOG MGEV Home page, click on the green Report My Hours heading under the brown Volunteer Hours heading.
  • Complete the New Record MGEV Hours form.
  • Project, date, and hours are required information. Be sure to TAB out of each field after completing it.
  • Type in a brief description just to jog your memory about the volunteer hours completed.
  • You may fill in the Contacts and Unreimbursed Contributions fields.
  • Once you have completed the form, click the Insert Record button, found on the green bars at the top and bottom of the page.
  • You will get a notice stating that your entry has recorded. Click OK. Then, the form will reload, and there will be four buttons on the green bars, Add New, Update Record, Copy Record, and Delete.
  • Do you need to make another entry for the same project? Click Copy Record.
  • Click Add New to start a new form for volunteer service hours completed on a different project.
  • Be sure to click Insert Record after completing each entry.
  • To return to the home page, click the MGEV Home button at the top of the screen.
  • Do you want to make sure that all of your entries were entered correctly? Or, did you realize that you made a mistake after inserting a record? That’s okay! Refer to the next bullet to view or edit hours.
  • To view and edit entries:
    • Click on the green View or Edit My Hours heading under the brown Volunteer Hours heading.
    • This will open a list of your MGEV hours.
    • Use the View drop down menu or Filter Results button to navigate to the record(s) you wish to verify or edit.
    • To edit an entry, click on the green ID number. Make any changes, click Update Record, and then click Exit. To delete an entry, click the Delete button instead of the Save button. Click OK, and then click Exit.
  • **It is recommended to use a laptop or desktop computer to log hours. If you use a tablet, be sure to click on the “display web version” link that appears on the login screen. Then, enter your username and password.**

Reporting Continuing Education Hours

Advanced Training credit is entered but the SPO, but it is the MGEV’s responsibility to record Continuing education (CE) hours. CE keeps the MGEV informed and knowledgeable about the latest gardening topics and research. Continuing education tends to be informal education events, such as an organized class, workshop, or seminar, where the MGEV is the student. Appropriate events should have some structure, like a speaker, defined time and place, and a specific topic.

Examples include presentations given by speakers at the meetings of horticultural organizations, including MGEV organizations; national and international conferences; Extension workshops and presentations; and classes at Georgia public gardens. MGEVs are encouraged to seek at least 6 hours of continuing education each year and report it within MGLOG.

Do you have some continuing education hours to report?

Here’s how:

  • Log into MGLOG (mglog.org).
  • On the MGLOG MGEV Home page, click on the green Report Continuing Education heading under the brown Continuing Education heading.
  • Complete the form. Title, Date, and Number of Hours are required information. You are encouraged to include a brief description of the CE opportunity.  Be sure to put a 0 before the decimal point (0.50) when reporting 30 minutes of continuing education, like the Thoughtful Thursday sessions. Then, click the Insert Record button, located on the top and bottom green bars.
  • Next, four buttons will appear on the green bars – Save, Add New, Copy, and Delete.
  • Click the Save button.
  • To make another entry for the same Continuing Education title, click on the Copy button.
  • To make a new CE entry, click on the Add New button.
  • Be sure to click on Insert Record after completing each entry.
  • To return to the home page, click the MGEV Home button at the top of the screen.
  • To view and edit entries:
    • Click on the green View or Edit Continuing Education heading under the brown Continuing Education heading.
    • This will open a list of your MGEV Training hours.
    • Use the View drop down menu or Filter Results button to navigate to the record(s) you wish to verify or edit.
    • To edit an entry, click on the green ID number. Make any changes, click Save, and then click Exit. To delete an entry, click the Delete button instead of the Save button. Click OK, and then click Exit.

We hope you find these tips helpful as you record your volunteer service and training hours for 2017. If you have any questions, contact your Extension Agent or the State Program Office.