According to you, the readers, top picks for Advanced Training topics for 2013 are:
Sustainable Garden and Landscape (106 of 163 responses; 65%)
Diagnostics and Technology (22 of 163; 13%)
Urban Forestry and Ecology (17 of 163; 10%)
Youth Gardening (13 of 163; 7%)
Water Quality Management (5 of 163; 3 %)
Advanced Training for Georgia Master Gardeners is intended as an opportunity to specialize your expertise so that you are better able to deliver educational programs in your communities. We expect preferences of AT to mirror what is being asked of MGs in local communities — if you are being asked over and over again how to do something or see a landscape problem repeated over and over again, MGs would want the training to develop an educational response.
What will you do with this Advanced Training expertise? Are you going for a Silver Star? Gold Star? Are you seeking new knowledge and skills to develop a project in your community? Do you work with your agent to develop a project that meets local needs? Let us know what you are thinking!