Robyn Stewart Did you know that Georgia is the #1 state for pecan production in the United States? Typically, pecan harvest occurs between October and November for commercial orchards, but homeowners can often harvest year-round. Pecans are a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals, as well as fiber—they make a good addition to any…
Robyn Stewart According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 465 people in 42 states have contracted salmonella that was directly linked to their backyard flock or farm fresh eggs. Of the 465 people affected, 86 individuals were hospitalized, and one person in Oklahoma died. With COVID-19 resulting in lower food availability in…
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Robyn Stewart One of the most popular vegetable plants grown by home gardeners in Georgia is the tomato. Tomatoes are popular for a huge number of reasons, from taste, versatility, available varieties, and dietary benefits. Tomatoes are a great addition to any diet due to their high levels of antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium, folate, and…
Robyn Stewart Modern America has strayed far from its rural roots, where each person needed to produce whatever raw materials and food they could in order to survive. Changes in technology and transportation have enabled us to have access to a huge variety of produce regardless of time of year. Americans have continued access to…
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Robyn Stewart After the fanfare of the holidays and the start of a new decade, many people are setting goals related to their physical fitness and health. The CDC found that in 2018, approximately 32.5% of GA residents over the age of 18 were obese and another 34.8% were overweight. Reports also mention that 18%…
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Robyn Stewart As we head into the last week of November, we enjoy the season of inviting bonfires, cozy flannels, and my favorite thing- time with friends and family. This week, millions of Americans will gather around dining room tables to give thanks for the year we have enjoyed and look forward to the…
Posted in: Food