Earlier this year, Lincoln County UGA Extension welcomed a new 4-H Educator, Rebekah Goble. With the new school year well underway, we are excited to welcome old and new 4-H’ers back!

 4-H is a key component of the UGA Cooperative Extension system and Clemson Cooperative Extension system. Each individual county or region is responsible for growing, developing, and maintaining their 4-H programs. Here in Lincoln County, we focus on club meetings, district project achievement, summer camp, state 4-H council, and local service projects. 4-H is open to all students between 5-12th grades who live in Lincoln County. In order to join 4-H, youth and their parents should complete the 4-H enrollment form found at (https://secure.georgia4h.org/enrollment/register?county=Lincoln%20County). If your student does not attend Lincoln County Public Schools but is homeschooled or in an alternative situation, please complete the enrollment card and select the “Homeschool” club option.

In Lincoln County, students become 4-H’ers in the 5th grade during in-school club meetings. Middle and high schoolers meet in-school during advisement and club meeting times but may meet before school as well. Our current club meeting dates are:

September 22 – High School Club Meeting, in-school during advisement, auditorium

September 30 – 5th Grade Club Meeting, in-school

October 7th – Middle School Club Meeting, before school, auditorium

In addition to club meetings, we have some fun activities and service projects coming up this fall. In October, Lincoln County 4-H will be holding a bake sale fundraiser at Bells to fund the purchase of Thanksgiving Dinner for local families in need. On October 22nd, 4-H will visit Double Branches Farm for a tour of the pumpkin patch. In November, there will be a Nature Trail clean up day on the 5th and a fun activity (TBD) on the 12th. We hope to grow our 4-H offerings and encourage all youth 5th-12th grades to join us for these projects! Please follow the Lincoln County UGA Extension Facebook page to get updates on upcoming meetings and events.

I understand some of our readers live in Wilkes and McCormick counties- and while I can’t speak for them personally, I hope you’ll consider getting youth involved in their local clubs. Ms. Audra Amour leads the Wilkes County 4-H program and can be reached at audrac@UGA.EDU or 706-678-2332.  Up in McCormick County, 4-H is led by Jaime Pohlman, who can be reached at jaime@clemson.edu or 864-852-2112.

Lincoln County 4-H is actively pursuing opportunities to serve our community. We have had interest in a wide variety of specialty clubs in the last few years including poultry judging, livestock showing, shooting sports, cooking, and more. Our ability to maintain these specialty clubs relies heavily on the willingness of community members to volunteer to help lead them. If you are interested in being a 4-H volunteer and community leader please reach out to the Lincoln County Extension Office at uge3181@uga.edu or 706-359-3233.

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