As I always do, for anything that related to weather, climate, and agriculture in Georgia, I reached out to cracker-jack UGA specialist Pam Knox yesterday.  According to Pam, awe are looking at at least another inch, likely more, rain in Tifton late Wednesday and early Thursday.

Rainfall and cool soils increase risk to stand loss to seed rot and fungal seedling diseases.

Rainfall, heavy rainfall, can wash nematicides like Counter 20G and AgLogic 15G out of the zone to best protect developing root systems from nematodes.

Further delays to rain can make growers even more reluctant to do anything that further slows their planing down or that adds complexity to the process. Such could include judicious use of in-furrow fungicides and nematicides.

Delays in planting corn increase risk to diseases like southern corn rust later in the season.

But, as Luke Bryan tells us, “rain is a good thing”.

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