Healthier Together Clay

Clay County, Georgia

Clay County, located in Southwest Georgia and along the Georgia-Alabama state line, is one of the state’s least populated counties with approximately 2,900 residents. Since 2018, Healthier Together has worked to enhance obesity prevention efforts within the county through nutrition and physical activity education and active community engagement. Some of these efforts include food pantries, where residents can gain easier access to fresh and frozen produce items, recreational parks, and walking path repairs and/or new path construction.

Our efforts within the county will continue to develop to ensure that Clay County residents are better-educated about nutrition and physical activity so they can live Healthier Together!  

Meet your Local Extension Agent

Kris Peavy,  County Extension Coordinator in Clay County


Phone: 229-732-2311

Other Extension Agents

Andrea Scarrow, Southwest District Director of Extension


Phone: 229-386-3413

Rachel Hubbard, Southwest Program Development Coordinator


Phone: 229-391-6936