Blog posts to use
This article was written by Aubrey Shirley, Tattnall County Agent and Southeast District Junior GACAA Director. If you repost this article please let Aubrey know at As we approach the warmer temperatures of Spring I remember how extremely hot and dry May of 2019 was. Whenever we have weather extremes it gets me thinking:…
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This article was written by Roger Gates, Whitfield County Ag Agent. If you choose to re-post it, please let him know at Chicken pox, Chikungunya, Ebola, H1N1, hepatitis, Heartland, HIV, influenza, measles, rabies, rubella, SARS, smallpox, West Nile, Zika — the list includes names both familiar and exotic. Most are, at best, unpleasant terms.…
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Once the COVID-19 virus started, it was interesting to see that the Toilet Paper was one of the first things to go from the shelves and if you go in the stores still today there is a limited supply. Other than that, as more kids are home, “science experiments” may include the old question –…
Posted in: Blog posts to use