My goodness! Isn’t extension just full of acronyms. I know that during our office staff meetings I feel like I am reciting the alphabet to our secretary who is feverishly trying to take notes on all the things we are up to. I received an email just this morning from Wade Hutchinson, chair of the Recognition and Awards Committee, about the YP, AA and DSA. These awards get a little confusing because of the timing of award application and when you get recognized. Those folks that apply this year will be recognized at the State and National levels in 2020. The winners that are recognized at GACAA and NACAA this year applied in fall 2018. Whew! Ok – Let’s look at each of these and why you should apply.
Young Professional Award – This award recognizes those agents that have 5 years or less of service and have shown proficiency in planning and conducting Extension programming. There is a winner recognized from each district and then a State Winner is recognized. The State Winner receives a partial scholarship to attend NACAA AM/PIC (i know – more acronyms! ) from GOTCAA (Georgia Old Timers County Agent Association). The 2018 recipients of the Young Professional Award were Will Lovett, Heather Kolich, Joel Burnsed, and Jenna Kicklighter. Below is Jenna’s award entry.
Achievement Award – This award recognizes recognize superior job performance/original programming from agents with 10 years or less of service. Applications should incorporate the situation/response, results/impact from one or more areas of programming. Winners of this award are required to attend the NACAA AM/PIC to be recognized. There is funding provided to assist in travel expenses. The number of winners from Georgia are based on our membership numbers with NACAA. The 2018 recipients were Renee Allen, Stephanie Hollifield, Andrew Sawyer, and Clark McCallister. Below is Clark’s award entry.
Distinguished Service Award – This is the most prestigious award given by NACAA. It recognized those agents with more than 10 years of service for superior job performance and original programming. Applications may include in-depth work in one program area or various learning opportunities offered in several areas. It should show clear results and impact. Winners of this award are also required to attend the NACAA AM/PIC to be recognized and funding is available. The 2018 recipients were Greg Bowman, Keith Mickler, Peyton Sapp and Paul Pugliese. Below is Keith’s award entry.
If you have any questions about these awards, please contact Wade ( or any of the previous winners. Selected recipients will be recognized first at NACAA AM/PIC 2020 in Virginia Beach, VA and then at GACAA AM/PIC in Nov 2020.