Many of us are getting ready to head off to Chattanooga, TN this weekend to attend the National Association of County Agricultural Agents annual meeting and professional improvement conference (AM PIC).  It will surely be a great week of seeing old friends from around the country, learning new program ideas and research to bring back home, being recognized for our achievements, and discovering a new place for the first time.

If this is your first AM PIC, congratulations on making a great choice to attend a meeting so close to home.  You will not be disappointed.  I encourage you to participate in all of the activities and programs.  You just never know who you might meet and what ideas you can gleam to bring back home.  Be sure to attend the First Timer Orientation and Reception on Sunday at 3:00 pm.

Some highlights of the week that I never miss include the opening session on Sunday night, the general sessions, 4-H talent revue on Monday night, educational seminars, states night out and auction on Tuesday night, the annual banquet on Wednesday night, and of course farm tour day on Thursday.

Did I mention its tons of fun and great networking time visiting the hospitality rooms on Sunday and Monday nights?  You don’t want to miss a chance to meet this years NACAA officer candidates and future host states while filling up on snacks and drinks.

As GACAA secretary, I will be keeping you posted each day on what is happening at the AM PIC through our blog.  For those presenting or getting an award at the AM PIC, please send me an email at so I can properly acknowledge all of your great work to our colleagues.

I look forward to Cultivating, Innovating, and Celebrating with you all in Chattanooga!

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