The 103rd NACAA annual meeting and professional conference kicked off Sunday in full Tennessee style.  Our 100th President Alan Galloway opened the meeting with the usual traditions of presenting the colors and state flags.  Our GACAA president Steve Morgan had the honor to walk on stage and present our Georgia flag.  We experienced the sounds of bluegrass music by Balsam Range, an award winning band from North Carolina.

Another first night tradition is the evening hospitality rooms.  Members can enjoy meeting folks from around the country while partaking in eating and drinking some local fare.  It is also the time we get to meet some of the candiates running for office.

Running for Vice President is J. Craig Williams from Pennsylvania.  Craig has been a long time agent and active in the Pennsylvania Association and currently the NACAA Northeast region director.  He is running unopposed.

Running for secretary is Virginia “Ginny” Rosenkranz from Maryland.  Ginny has served as secretary for one year and is also running unopposed.  Before being the NACAA secretary, she was a Northeast region director.

Those of us attending the conference had a chance to meet the current officers and candidates during the regional meetings and candidate presentations this afternoon.

All of the NACAA officer positions will be elected tomorrow morning during the delegates session at 8:30 am.  GACAA will have six voting delegates at this session.

Tonight at the conference we will enjoy the 4-H talent revue at 7:30 pm.  4-h’ers from across the country will wow us with their talents from singing, dancing and much more.  I am confident a 4-Her from Georgia will be among the young talent.

Don’t forget tonight is our night for State pictures.  Please join us and line up immediately after the talent revue.  Tuesday night is State’s night out.  President Morgan has planned an exciting dinner and boat ride for us.  Please meet in front of the Marriott Hotel at 4:00 pm to meet the bus for our dinner.

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