Thursday marks the last day of NACAA AM PIC with a day full of tours. Today I am on tour 17 – Salt Flats to Alfalfa. We have seen the great Salt Lake and stopped at Morton salt to learn about how salt is evaporated in to a pure food grade product.
We then stopped at Horseshoe Spring where water bubbles from the ground in the middle of the desert like terrain. This spring was a major stop for pioneers on there way to California to find gold and settle the west.
At lunchtime we reached the Wendover Airforce base, just near the Nevada border. The airforce base was at its peak in the 1940’s and the site where they tested the bomb pro-types used to bomb Japan.
The day ended touring the Bonneville salt flats and visiting a farm growing alfalfa.
As we make our way back to Salt Lake City , we will end our great week all together at This is the Place heritage park for a BBQ turkey dinner.
I hope you enjoyed your trip to Utah as much as I did. If you did not attend, I hope you consider attending next year’s meeting in Chattanooga, Tennessee on July 29-August 2,2018.