Now that the 2017 NACAA annual meeting and professional improvement conference in Salt Lake City is over, its time to start thinking about the rest of 2017 and other GACAA activities you can participate in.

Food Booth 2017

Join us at the Sunbelt Expo in Moultrie on October 17-19 at the GACAA food booth.  Help is needed each day by all County Ag Agents.  More details will be coming in the coming months.  Please contact Forrest Connelly (, GACAA Vice President, if you would like to volunteer for a shift or two.  Plan out your time and help in the food booth and then get a little time to see the Expo.

AM PIC 2017 in Columbus

Our state annual meeting and professional improvement conference is set for November 6-8 in Columbus.  Vice President Elect Steve Morgan ( is getting all of the details prepared and is planning an exciting program for us.  We will be staying at the Doubletree Hotel.  Details will be available on our GACAA website and we will announce when registration is open.  Be thinking about what silent auction item you would like to bring, what office or committee you might want to do, and be sure to apply for our state awards.

Mark your calendars and plan to join your fellow GACAA members at these two upcoming events.


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