Earth day is a time to reflect and be thankful for everything the Earth does for us. This day celebrates the environmental movement and raises awareness about different issues and ways to maintain a clean environment. The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970. Many people participated in the celebration of this day and the passage of the Clean Air ACT, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, and several others.
This entire month of April, try and think about what nature and the environment mean to you and how it impacts your life. For me, I use nature as a way to get away, clear my head, and forget about all my problems in my daily life. Many people may use nature in different ways, but the environment is very important, and should be protected.
This holiday serves as a friendly reminder each year, to respect the Earth and show gratitude to Mother Nature. Here are a few ideas on how you and your students can celebrate Earth Day:
Connect with nature. Go outside! Get in the habitat of enjoying and being aware of the nature all around you. Whether you live in the city, suburbs or county, nature is all around us. Think about the many ways nature contributes to your well-being.
Volunteer. Find programs that support sustainability and help out in the community.
Earth Day Slime. Making slime with kids can be a fun project, also while talking about taking care of the planet that we live in.
Just for fun, this is my favorite picture of nature that I captured with my phone. J Visiting Machu Picchu was unbelievable