Pesticide Safety and Handling
The Georgia Department of Agriculture is going to gold one last Using Pesticides Wisely training in Tifton, GA for individuals that still need to complete the training for this year. The UPW meeting will be at the UGA Tifton Conference Center on June 8, 2023 from 1:30-3:00 pm.
The Using Pesticides Wisely training for Candler and Evans Counties will be offered on March 14, 2023 in Statesboro at the Nessmith-Lane Conference Center, 847 Plant Dr, Statesboro, GA 30458. This is located on the Georgia Southern campus. This training is mandatory for all applicators to apply dicamba herbicides over the top of row crops.…
Posted in: Pesticide Safety and Handling -
Do you have some old pesticides that you need to dispose of? Well the GA Department of Agriculture is offering a pesticide clean day to give anyone the opportunity to discard old pesticide containers. The Georgia Pesticide Waste Clean Day Event will be held on May 3, 2022 from 9am to 3pm at the Georgia…
The Candler County Extension Office and Evans County Extension Office will be offering opportunities for pesticide applicators to complete the Using Pesticides Wisely (UPW) training that is required by law for applicators to apply auxin herbicides (Dicamba and 24-D) over-the-top of Dicamba or 24-D tolerant cotton or soybeans. All applicators must have a valid pesticide…