October is one of the best times of year to plant in southeast Georgia because it allows for the plants to get established before the cold weather slows the growth. When planting small grains like rye, wheat, and oats try to shoot for a planting depth of one to one and a half inches deep, but for ryegrass and clover no deeper than half of an inch. Planting with a seed drill is the method of choice because it provides a consistent planting depth as compared to broadcasting and disking. If you will be broadcasting increase the rate 25-30% to compensate for variations in planting depth. Applying 40-50 units of nitrogen at planting or soon after emergence will increase growth, tillering, and provide earlier grazing.
If planting winter grasses in an existing bermudagrass stand remove the cattle until the new forage has become established. Winter annuals are great for stocker calves or replacement heifers, but with mature cows limit grazing is a good management practice to stretch out winter forages. Allow the mature cows access the winter forage for two hours each day to minimize wasteful consumption and trampling.
For more information about establishing winter forages contact your local UGA Extension office.
Establishment of Cool Season Grasses Publication