A website from UGA Cooperative Extension


  • Peanut Maturity Checks – Hull Scrape Method The Cook County Extension Office will be checking peanuts using the hull-scrape method to estimate digging dates.  You can bring your peanut samples by the Cook Co Extension office or we can do it at your location. Either way, call me to do this when you are ready…

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  • Pecan Water Split – Lenny Wells UGA Extension Pecan Specialist If you have noticed  a sudden fruit shed over the last few days, you are most likely seeing the results of water stage fruit split. This is a common problem that happens annually on certain varieties and is just part of growing those cultivars. I…

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  • Click this link: img183 Tucker 229-507-8862

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  • Whiteflies in Cotton Silverleaf whitefly (SLWF) infestations are being observed in cotton in parts of Georgia.  Some fields in Cook County have reached threshold levels and have been treated; while whiteflies have been observed in other fields but not at threshold levels. Over the past several weeks we have had relatively frequent rainfall events.  These environmental…

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  • Here is recent pecan info below from our UGA Pecan Specialists. Tucker Price 507-8862. Budmoth “Here is an insect update from Dr. Will Hudson: “A number of growers have called asking if they need to reapply their insecticide treatments for budmoth.  The answer is yes, definitely.  There are several (5-6) generations for budmoth, so young…

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  • Ag Updates – 6/7/17

    Peanut Disease Management Decisions for the Month of June Robert Kemerait, Professor and Extension Specialist University of Georgia “In 2000, when I started, most fungicide programs started with chlorothalonil applications, 1.5 pt/A, at approximately 30 and 44 days after planting. Some growers substituted Tilt/Bravo in one or both of these application timings; however fungicide programs…

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  • Pecan Scab Spray

    Information from Lenny Wells – UGA Pecan Specialist, regarding the importance of pecan scab  sprays now. “With June’s arrival nut sizing begins in earnest. This means the nuts will grow rapidly and as they grow they will expose newly developed and unprotected tissue. Your scab spray schedule is designed to protect that growth for 2…

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  • Here is a post from Eric Prostko – UGA Weed Scientist about Valor injury in peanuts.  We’ve got some Valor injury in some peanut fields I’ve visited over the past couple weeks. “VALOR INJURY OR THE SKY IS FALLING (PROSTKO) My right ear is currently bleeding due to the numerous telephone calls that I have…

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  • Below is from UGA Pecan Specialist Lenny Wells. “We have had a heavy bloom of female flowers and a good early nut set on ‘Desirable’ this year, but anyone that has been around pecans in Georgia for long knows this cultivar has a nut drop in June each year. When this occurs the trees may…

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  • There will be a 2 day Forest Herbicide workshop in Tift Co Extension Office on 18-19 July 2017. 12 hrs Cont Forestry Ed (CFE) credits, 13 hrs Cont Logger Ed (CLE) credits, 5 hrs Cat 23 (forestry) GA pesticide credits and 1 hr Cat 10 (private) GA pesticide credits available. Early registration through July 5,…

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