A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Aspergillus Crown Rot

Aspergillus crown rot is an important seedling disease, especially when conditions are hot and dry at planting, or when seed-quality is a concern. Farmer-saved-seed is often at greatest risk. To manage Aspergillus crown rot, a. ensure quality of seed, b. ensure effective fungicide seed treatment with excellent seed coverage, c. in 2024, Rancona and Trebuset will be the dominant seed-treatment fungicides, d. use in-furrow products such as Velum and Proline. Note that azoxystrobin products (Abound, etc.) have been widely used as in-furrow treatments in peanut, but are less effective against Aspergillus crown rot now than in the past, e. manage insects such as Lesser Cornstalk Borers, f. avoid planting into hot and dry soils, g. irrigate to cool hot soils. When available, use irrigation to reduce threat from Aspergillus crown rot.  Growers sometimes fear  that irrigation will spread the disease, but in reality there is little if any “in field” spread.  Irrigation to reduce stress on the plant and help them develop as quickly as possible is a positive step toward control.  It also helps reduce damage from lesser corn stalk borers.

Crown Rot
Crown Rot

Seeding Rates

To reduce the impact of TSWV, plant enough seed to provide at least 4 plants/ft of row. Therefore, seeding rates of 6 seed/ft on singles and 6 to 7 combined seed/ft on twins (3 to 3.5 seed/ft
per twin furrow) are recommended. Seeding rates also need to be adjusted for % germ of the seed being planted to ensure you have the desired plant population.

TSWV and Thrips Control – Mark Abney

  1. UGA research shows that for every 1% Tomato spotted wilt Virus (TSWV) incidence in GA-06G at the end of the season, peanuts lose 20 pounds of yield per acre.
  2. Most thrips management options and all TSWV management options end when the seed furrow closes.
  3. Early planted peanuts (prior to 10 May) are at increased risk to thrips injury and TSWV.
  4. Phorate (Thimet) is the only insecticide that reduces the risk of TSWV in peanut. It doesn’t matter how much we wish there was something else, there is not.
  5. Everything costs more, and most people are looking for ways to save money. Consider this: every peanut field in Georgia  will be infested with thrips, and some of those thrips will be infected with TSWV...100% chance. Thrips and TSWV management may not be the place to cut costs.
  6. We can do everything right and still have TSWV, but if we plant in high risk situations, there should be no surprise when virus symptoms start to show up in June and July.
Zach Griffin checking out blueberries before picking resumes.
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