A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Peanut Maturity Checks – Hull Scrape Method

The Cook County Extension Office will be checking peanuts using the hull-scrape method to estimate digging dates.  You can bring your peanut samples by the Cook Co Extension office or we can do it at your location. Either way, call me to do this when you are ready 229-507-8862.  I have no set dates or times

To pull a sample from a field, pick at least 3 – 4 representative locations in a field.  Pull up about 4 adjacent plants (clump of 4-5 tap roots) from each location; keep the plants (clumps) from each location separate.  Take one plant from one location and pull off all peanuts from that plant; then pull another plant from the next location and pull off all peanuts – continue to do this until you have at least 180 pods but no more than 220.  When you reach 180, continue pulling peanuts off that plant then stop.

This chart below from UGA Peanut Team shows the importance of digging peanuts on time.

Tucker Price 229-507-8862

Pounds lost/acre* $lost/acre (0.25/lb)
Dug 2 week early 744 $179
Dug 1 week early 208 $50
Dug at optimum 0 0
Dug 1 week late 601 $144
Dug 2 weeks late 1746 $419


Peanut maturity board and “Pod Blaster” during a recent pre-game trial run.
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