A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Check peanut for lesser cornstalk borers (LCB). They love hot, dry weather and fields with lots of exposed soil. Look for moths, silk tubes and silk, damaged stems and larvae. Thresholds will be lower in younger peanuts.

Silk tube of LCB.
LCB moth.

2023 Peanut Fungicide Trial

Below are results from last year’s trial summarized in this slide comparing 10 fungicide programs. WM Ratings = number of white mold hits per 200′ of row. Yield Comparison is in-field weights/A. Profit per acre calculated as TONS X $355 (USDA LOAN RATE) – FUNGICIDE COSTS. Please call me if you have questions about this trial. Tucker 507-8862

Here is more detailed summary from this trial:

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