A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Peanut maturity checks: Lenox Peanut Thursday mornings (starting this Thursday Aug 29) from 9 – 11 AM. We’ll move to Tues and Thursday as we get closer to digging dates. Or call me and we can meet any other day. Tucker 507-8862

Leaf Spot/Not Leaf Spot

Close up of peanut leaf spot. Early leafspot as spores are located on top of leaves. The tufts of spores have a kind of tan sea urchin look – or extremely small spider mites.
Not leaf spot – this is chemical burn. Notice chemical residue present in center of each and every spot AND no spores on top or bottom of the leaf. (Image from Hunt Sanders, Ben Hill Co Agent).

Peanut Peg Strength

Bob Kemerait says, “Several questions about using Topsin late in season to improve “peg strength” in peanuts. Bottom line from me: To manage peg strength in peanuts: 1. Effectively manage leaf spot; use of Topsin is one way to do that. 2. Dig peanuts “on time” as delayed harvest will increase risk to pod loss at digging. 3. Effectively manage white mold which may also effect peg strength. 4. Topsin can be used effectively late season for leaf spot control (5 fl is + 1 pt chlorothalonil OR 10 fl oz Topsin one time only) but there is nothing magic about Topsin and peg strength.”

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