If you are a fruit farmer or someone else who needs to access chill (or chilling) hours for your crops, here is a new resource that may be of use to you. The Midwestern Regional Climate Center has produced some national maps that allow you to get calculated chilling hours for airport stations across the country. You can view it at https://mrcc.purdue.edu/ChillingHours. It is a little slow to switch from the default Midwestern states on the map to states in the Southeast but does provide a choice of ways to calculate chilling hours as well as time periods to use. You can also get chill hours from a variety of other sources, including AgroClimate (http://agroclimate.org/tools/chill-hours-calculator/) for Florida and Georgia, NCSU for North Carolina (https://products.climate.ncsu.edu/ag/chill-models/), UGA Weather Network (http://weather.uga.edu/?content=calculator&variable=ch&type=cd), and Clemson (https://archives.joe.org/joe/2017december/tt11.php) for SC.