The most recent Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin for Georgia was released today, with text below. You can read more about it at

February 25, 2019
GEORGIA: Total rainfall for the month ranged from .088 inches in
Chatham County to 13.11 inches in White County. According to the U.S.
Drought Monitor, Georgia remained free of drought conditions
throughout the month. Temperatures were above average in several
counties this month. A wet winter continued in February with excess
rainfall reported throughout each region of the state. Livestock
producers, field crops, fruit, and vegetable growers all noted
negative impacts from too much moisture. The wet weather has resulted
in premature fruit blooms in some species, which could result in crop
losses this spring. Many cattle producers throughout the state were
feeding hay because of the poor grazing caused by the rain. Several
pastures in low lying areas flooded causing feed problems in some
livestock. Poor hay quality and nutrition also has producers
concerned about compaction. Growers in central and southern Georgia
reported harvesting cotton, soybeans, and peanuts early in the month.
As of the end of the month, nearly all harvesting has been completed.
Growers noted lower grades in cotton and soybeans left to rot in
fields due to the excess rainfall. Some small grains have been side
dressed and had herbicide applications. Vegetable land preparation is
ongoing, and planting was reported in the southern part of the state.

Source: Valerie Everett, Commons Wikimedia