If you are looking for information on recent severe weather in Georgia, here are a couple of articles that describe some of the conditions we have felt this month so far along with a tool for showing severe weather reports on an interactive map. I’ve also included a link to a NOAA retrospective on the April 2011 tornadoes five years later and what we have learned.
The National Weather Service Office in Peachtree City, described the April 1 tornadoes in central Georgia at https://www.srh.noaa.gov/ffc/?n=morningtorsofapril1,2016.
Severe weather on April 6-7 in the Southeast was described in this Wunderblog article https://www.wunderground.com/news/southeast-severe-weather-georgia-florida#prclt-5jfUJW2P.
You can also look for reports using this interactive map at https://nwschat.weather.gov/lsr/#FFC/201604070121/201604070512/0100 (which is set to show the severe weather reports in central Georgia on April 6-7 but can be reset).
Here is the NOAA report on the April 2011 super outbreak: https://www.noaa.gov/five-years-later-looking-back-deadly-2011-tornado-season.