The Southern SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education) has released a new guide to agroforestry, the “Sustainable Agroforestry Practices in the Southeastern United States: Training Handbook for Training Field Extension and Technical Assistance Personnel”.

Here is what they say about it:

“This handbook has been developed to train field-level Extension and technical assistance personnel, who are involved in educating and helping farmers and landowners in the southeastern United States understand and adopt sustainable agroforestry practices.The purpose of developing this handbook is to extensively increase the training and educational opportunities for farmers and landowners in the southeastern United States on sustainable agroforestry practices, and eventually enhance their income opportunities,sustainable land management practices, and ecosystem services.”

The rest of their description can be found here.  It includes information about silvopasture, alley cropping and other management techniques.

Source: Tuskegee University
Source: Tuskegee University