A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Recent Posts

  • Getting Started With Native PlantsArticle by: Jessica Warren, ANR Agent, Camden County There’s been a lot of interest in recent years in planting native plants – which I couldn’t be happier about! Planting native plants is a simple yet impactful choice that benefits not only your landscape, but the entire ecosystem and future generations. Contrary…

  • Valuable Vultures

    Valuable VulturesArticle by: Jessica Warren, ANR Agent, Camden County Some of our native Georgia wildlife is cute and cuddly looking, and well, some of it just isn’t. One of those animals that doesn’t charm the masses with an adorable face or cute behavior is the vulture. Luckily for all of us, it’s not just the…

  • Camden County Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent, Jessica Warren, will continue offering virtual lunch and learn classes in 2024. Classes will be held once a month and are free and open to the public. 2024 Lunch & Learn Class Schedule: Follow this direct link to our webpage to register for classes: 2024 Lunch & Learn…

  • Invasive Species Alert: crapemyrtle bark scale (Acanthococcus lagerstroemia) Crapemyrtle bark scale informationCrapemyrtle bark scale Fact Sheet (PDF) OverviewCrapemyrtle bark scale is native to Asia and was detected in Texas in 2004. Infestations are scattered around the southern US. Primary hosts in the US are crapemyrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) and American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana), but several other…

  • Spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula), has not yet been found in Georgia, but it is a well-known invasive in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic and we want to know if/when it gets to Georgia. This insect is fairly easy to ID in the US and is an adult right now in the areas it is found. It…

  • In an effort to track the locations of this species, please participate in the Joro Spider Spotting Contest! Date/Time: October 9th 12:00a – October 15th 11:59p (this means it enters our database between this time frame) Goal: Joro spider reports Prizes: We will be mailing out Joro Watch stickers for accounts for: Report the sightings…

  • Last Palm Short Course this year!  This will be a great opportunity to see, hear and learn from the palm experts if you’re In the Central and North Florida regions. ISA, FDACS  CEUs available.  Don’t miss it! WHEN:  Tuesday, October 24, 2023 — 8:00 am – 3:30 pm WHERE:  Duval County Extension Office,  1010 N. McDuff…

  • Georgia Urban Ecologists / Georgia Audubon 2023-24 – Registration for Brunswick Urban Ecologists is finally open! This program is for students in grades 8 – 12 from surrounding counties (McIntosh, Camden, Brantley). The first session is coming up on October 14, from 10 AM-1 PM. See below flyer with QR code for registration and program…

  • The True Value of Oaks

    The True Value of OaksArticle by: Jessica Warren, ANR Agent, Camden County If there’s one thing that Coastal Georgia is known for, it’s our majestic oaks draped in Spanish moss. We know our native oak trees are beautiful, but is there more than just what meets the eye? Oaks are long-lived, slow growing trees that…

  • Join us to become one of Georgia’s First Detectors, and to help fight the spread of invasive species in our beautiful state.  Mission The primary goal of the Georgia First Detector Program is to establish a network of well-trained and dedicated volunteers, also known as “First Detectors” that will: We will have professional speakers from…