A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

GSWCC Project Funding Now Available for Small Scale Farming

The Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission (GSWCC), in partnership with local Soil and Water Conservation Districts, is offering up to $10,000 per project to support urban agriculture and soil health focused projects.

Projects can be creative supporting the concepts outlined the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) definition of soil health and urban agriculture such as: Soil Testing• Nutrient Management for garden plots or raised beds• Conservation Cover• Cover crops• Energy Efficient Agricultural Operations• Riparian Herbaceous Cover• Wildlife Habitat Planting• Irrigation System Micro irrigation• Tree/shrub site prep• Tree/shrub establishment • Energy efficient lighting system• Raised beds.

IMPORTANT INFO: Must consist of an approved NRCS practice dealing with soil health or urban agriculture. Be on public land and be able to use as future exhibit i.e. school, park, etc. (not for individual landowners). Payment/funding will be based on reimbursement and will be issued once the project is complete and the final report is given to GSWCC.


Contact your Region III Conservation Manager for more information: NancyAnne Conner 706-612-4020 nancyanne.conner@gaswcc.ga.govFunding provided by NRCS, to learn more about NRCS visit nrcs.usda.gov
Small Scale Farming Grant Flyer (PDF)

Invasive Species Alert – Hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae)

Invasive insect that infects hemlocks. Easy to ID waxy, woolly insects adhering to the bottom of the twigs. Hemlock woolly adelgid targets hemlocks and have caused concerning decline of this tree in over half of its natural range, spanning form Georgia to Maine, with concerns it will continue to spread.

Invasive Species Tips:

  • Inspect plants before you bring them home to avoid hitchhikers!
  • Bringing new plants home can also bring pests and invasive species.
  • Inspect the plants and soil for signs of disease and pests.
  • Potted plants infected/infested with invasive species and pests can infest new ecosystems through the plants, on tools, an in the soil.
  • Signs of disease and pests may include: discoloration; stunted growth; abnormal growths; dead leaves, twigs, fruits, flowers, etc.; dropped leaves or fruit; wilting; twisting/curling parts.
  • Talk to your County Extension Agent for the best prevention method options which may include: sterilizing tools and materials; treating plants; destroying plants.

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Info Links from Bugwood.org

HWA Species Info
HWA Infographic (pdf)
HWA Management in GA (pdf)
HWA Soil Drenching (pdf)
HWA Soil Injecting (pdf)

Report Invasive Species

Report Via EDDMAPS

Georgia Farm Loan Info Sessions (USDA FSA)

Join state executive director Arthur Tripp, Jr. to learn more about FSA capital assistance options:
March 12, 2024: Eastman, GA – 10:00AM; Douglas, GA – 2:00PM
March 13, 2024: Jesup, GA – 10:00AM
For more information or to register email: GAOUTREACH@USDA.GOV
Georgia Farm Loan Info Sessions Flyer (PDF)

Blueberry Field Day

Where: Alapaha Blueberry Research Farm
When: April 3rd from 11am – 3pm with lunch provided (low country boil)
This is a great educational opportunity for blueberry growers and others interested in learning more about blueberry production. Research farm has 17 acres of blueberry plantings and you are welcome to tour the blueberry breeding lines. In the event of inclement weather, the program will be promptly rescheduled. Please register using the link below:
Register for Blueberry Field Day
Google Map Directions
Blueberry Field Day Flyer (pdf)
Any trouble finding the farm please contact Benjamin Reeves at 229-445-5962

Virtual Lunch & Learn Classes with Jessica Warren, ANR Agent – Camden County

Reminder: Camden County Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent, Jessica Warren, will continue offering virtual lunch and learn classes in 2024. Classes will be held once a month and are free and open to the public.

2024 class schedule:

Jan 11: Common House Plant Problems
Feb 1: Building Soil Health
Mar 14: Frogs of Georgia
Apr 11: Unsung Pollinators
May 17: Unique Edible Plants for Georgia and North Florida
June 13: Armadillos: Friend or Foe?
July 9: Common Insect Pests of the Home Garden
Aug 9: Stormwater Management in the Home Landscape
Sept 5: Native Asters
Oct 10: Spiders Among Us
Nov 14: Permaculture Basics
Dec 12: Owls

Follow this direct link to our webpage to register for classes: Lunch & Learn Registration

You can also contact our office if you need additional assistance 912-576-3219.