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To date, UGA Extension does not know of ANY southern rust (or soybean rust) in Georgia or in bordering areas of Alabama or Florida, though I am sure there is some somewhere. The hunt continues…. SO, WHAT DO WE TELL GROWERS- I have told you many times, “Corn Growers, especially under irrigated conditions and those…
Posted in: Corn -
Soil-Applied Glyphosate and Peanuts (by Dr. Eric Prostko) I received a few questions recently about the use of glyphosate prior to planting or shortly after planting peanuts. Many of you have remembered (surprisingly!) what Dr. Culpepper has said about the potential residual effects of higher rates of glyphosate on crops such as transplanted squash, broccoli,…
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2023 GA FL Tobacco Tour Registration link General Schedule The tour will begin with a Kick-Off Supper in Live Oak, FL, on Monday, June 5, and end near Metter, Georgia on Wednesday, June 7, 2023. Monday, June 5, 2023 The tour will begin with a Kick-Off Supper at the Brown Lantern, 417 E Howard…
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Current Crop Stages Make Decisions More Difficult Georgia corn growers as a whole have a corn crop that ranges from just emerging to near tasseling. Tuesday morning, I had the privilege of talking to my counterparts across the U.S. from Minnesota to Texas to Virginia to Colorado as we meet bi-weekly by Zoom. Quite honestly, it…
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Lewis Tobacco Settlement Payments Expected in July 2023 — Written By Mitch Smith (2 weeks ago)en Español Last fall, the N.C. Cooperative Extension Service (Pitt County Center) alerted county tobacco farmers, heirs, and former quota holders of an approved plan for the former flue-cured tobacco cooperative (Flue-Cured Tobacco Cooperative Stabilization Corporation) to return an estimated $70 million…
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Insect scouting schools will be conducted on June 5, 2023 in Tifton and June 13, 2023 in Midville. Crops to be covered includecotton, peanuts, and soybean. These programs offer basic information on insect pest identification and damage, natural enemies, and scouting procedures. The training will serve as an introduction to insect monitoring for new scouts…
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Valor/Peanut Injury (Again) – Prostko Last night (May 12), many areas of the state received some rainfall. In some locations, it was more than 1″ (Camilla = 1.47″; Ft. Valley = 2.04″; Midville = 2.67″, TyTy = 3.14″). Thus, I am pretty sure that my phone will be ringing off the hook this week about…
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The question that comes from many of you who have peanut growers in your county is “Does this grower need to use Thimet in-furrow now to fight thrips and tomato spotted wilt?” As you have probably heard Dr. Mark Abney say, there is never a bad time for a peanut grower to use Thimet at…
Posted in: Disease -
Field Corn Weed Control Pictures – 2023 (Prostko) 1) Thought you might be interested in seeing the following pictures from my field corn weed control plots taken over the last week. For more specific information about these herbicides, check out the 2023 UGA Pest Control Handbook (pages 64-88). FYI, this is what I am doing…
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