A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Sunflower Weed Control and Windmillgrass (Prostko)

 A few things you might find interesting:

1) Here’s why Valor (flumioxazin) ain’t labeled for weed control in sunflowers!

2) Lots of questions lately about windmillgrass aka fingergrass (Chloris spp.).  Could be an annual or perennial plant depending upon the species.  Supposed to be very sensitive to Roundup (glyphosate), Poast (sethoxydim), Select (clethodim), and Assure II (quizalofop) when applied from seedling to tillering stage of growth but less sensitive to these herbicides when applied at heading [Hennigh et al. 2005. Weed Science 53(3):315-322].

Windmillgrass photo courtesy of H. McLean (Syngenta).
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