Dr. Bart Clewis with Syngenta is offering more paraquat webinar training opportunities for growers and applicators in the month of May. These trainings can be attended on a date that is convenient for the applicator. Paraquat training is required every 3 years.
Register by clicking on the following link: Paraquat Training Webinar Registration 2024
Worth County Extension has hosted group viewings for 7 of the previous trainings. If an individual or group needs to view any of the upcoming trainings with the county agent, please contact the Worth County Extension office at 229-776-8216 so that we can schedule for training.
Following are the dates and times for May.
If we can be of assistance at Worth County Extension, please let us know.
University of Georgia is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Veteran, Disability Institution. If you need a reasonable accommodation or language access services, contact the Worth County Extension office at 229-776-8216 or uge4321@uga.edu, at least three weeks prior to the program date.